A meeting was held between the AKÜ Faculty of Tourism, the first tourism faculty in Turkey to be accredited with all its departments, and the Department of Business Administration in order to share experiences regarding the accreditation process of Business Administration and Business Administration (English) undergraduate programs. The meeting was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Prof. Dr. Elbeyi PELİT and the Vice Dean Ass. Prof. Dr.  Ali KABAKULAK, Vice Dean and University Quality Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali AVAN, Head of the Tourism Management Department Prof. Dr. Ahmet BAYTOK, Head of the Business Administration Department Prof. Dr. Hatice ÖZUTKU and Vice Presidents of the Business Administration Department Ass. Prof. Dr. Arif ARİFOĞLU and Ass. Prof. Dr. Mücahid YILDIRIM. The following topics were discussed at the meeting:
1. Evaluation of program accreditation criteria.
2. Collection and presentation of evidence required for the criteria.
3. Communication with external stakeholders.
4. Follow-up of program graduates and communication with graduates.
5. Formation and functioning of program accreditation teams.
6. Ensuring the compatibility of exam questions with course and program learning outcomes.

18 September 2024, Wednesday 48 kez görüntülendi